Hands down, one of the most rewarding things is to be hired for how you see the world. The team at Microsoft Dynamics was looking for something a little different to stand out in the sea of B2B communication. Our approach started with a simple thought - illustrate the importance of team work.

"We were talking the other day 10,000 hours. Who came up with that number? Practice, train, eat, sleep - all to do over again tomorrow. Insanity - all those hours for what? The answer came from the back - the quiet one - The one who’s words carry more weight because they are sparse and well chosen.  Its the hum of one unit. The intoxication of feeling no chain - only flow.

Work as a team. Sell as a team."

1.2 million views on FB later - the message was well received.


Creative Direction / Design: Troy Nebeker
Director of photography: Greg Sweney
Stills and Video: Greg Sweney / Chris Cumming
Producer: Bill Rugen / Motofish
Edit: Motofish
Client: Microsoft Dynamics